EU Green Deal includes a set of innovative strategies and policies, aiming to transform EU to a climate-neutral, fair, and prosperous society, with a competitive economy. Mongolia, being landlocked and squeezed by China and Russia, has a strategic objective to reach the world through the third states. In doing so it is searching for a strategic partnership with the EU, recognizing it as a global center of technology and innovation, as well as its most important trade partner after the two neighboring countries. While the knowledge and understanding of EU institutions and best practices are becoming important competencies, the relevant educational offer in Mongolia is still very limited. In order to fill the gap, ONE project will include the EU Green Deal perspective and policy areas as the basis for achieving the following objectives: 

  1. Training students and lifelong learners in EU subjects, through the International Summer School (certified) (Year 1; 112 hours (14 full days), 4 ECTS awarded by NUM, 25 enrolled participants); 

  2. Developing and teaching to degree students: EU sustainable development policies (64 hours / 3ECTS, 30 students), Green finances; 22 hours / 1 ECTS, 15 students) and Nature-based solutions and territorial resilience (26 hours / 1 ECTS, 15 students); 

  3. Supporting informal education and dissemination of knowledge on EU subjects through the development of a package of MOOC-like materials, and web streaming of selected lectures (at least 16 academic hours/year); 

  4. Advancing understanding of the applicability and transferability of EU environmental innovation in Mongolia through research, and disseminating the results through papers in international and domestic peer-reviewed journals (2 in total submitted by the end of Year 3);

  5. Disseminating project outputs to stakeholder communities through research and learning materials, and through an academia-praxis workshop and roundtable during Year 3 (at least 25 participants). 

Visit project official site for more information: