On the SHORT-TERM (during the project lifetime), DOMANI will deliver the microcredential provision
ecosystems at 4 HEIs in MN and UA, and pilot in them curricula contents (91 ECTS in total) on the
topics concerned with green transformation, tacking environmental emergencies, and in UA also with
building war resilience and supporting post-war recovery. HEIs from the same country will make their
microcredential courses available to their HEI partner, and therefore the available shared course pools
will reach 43 ECTS in UA, and 48 ECTS in MN. HEIs will receive new equipment that will enhance
learning and teaching experiences at HEIs in MN (mostly specialized equipment), and provide
opportunity to maintain and develop learning and teaching materials as well as to teach courses in UA
(mostly computers and their parts, which are the most demanded under the current situation). In
addition, challenge-based modules will be piloted, and measures to ensure deeper engagement
between the academia and labor market actors will be taken. Regulatory proposals will be submitted to
the competent authorities to create enabling conditions for microcredential provision nationwide,
however this will not create short-term impacts. The collaboration between MN and UA partners is
another important impact benefiting the quality of institutional and curriculum development. The
following IMPACTS will have effect on the following TARGET GROUPS:
- STUDENTS enrolled to PC HEIs: Having received access the pool of microcredential courses
on green subjects within 6 DOMANI cross-cutting topics, enhanced by the latest developments
in the field (including the EU experience) and by engagement with stakeholders, students in
partner countries (most of all from the programs concerned with environment, natural
resources, management and economics) will fulfill their needs in flexible educational
trajectories ensuring the skillsets they need for their particular career track, the competences
appreciated at their future workplace, and with an international outlook essential for career
tracks related to DOMANI issues. Importantly, a large chunk of course provision will be
available online, so as to enable learning opportunities for the students, who cannot attend
classes due to security concerns (e.g. in Kharkiv), displaced ones or coming from remote
areas. In addition to the access to curricula co-created with employers, they will gain through
DOMANI mentorship program and DOMANI-coordinated multiplier events involving employers,
a smooth access to the world of profession right from the onset, so they for themselves will
have an opportunity to reflect on skills and competences, which are required to accomplish
tasks in real-life working environments, and acquire critical and reflective view of their career
trajectories. Participation in challenged-based modules (hackathons, preliminary) will provide
students with in-hand experience with real-life problems and their solutions, and with
networking opportunities, including with industry actors dealing with such problems, as well as
future professionals concerned about them. Most of the described impacts will be occurring
after the M24, when the curricula, microcredential provision system and CLP DO_learn will
start working; however the mentorship program and engaging sessions with employers will
become available already on the year 2 of the project. The projected audience is from 90
students/ year. - LLLearners in PCs: the curricula offer of certification courses will benefit LLLearners looking to
acquire needed competences related to the ongoing transformation of national economies and
labor markets. A particular segment of this target group are REFUGEES and internally
displaced persons (due to the war in UA and environmental emergencies in MN), who are in
need to acquire qualifications corresponding to their backgrounds, and that are demanded by
the market. As most of the course provision will be available online, this will also enable learning for the refugees who have left the country and wish to prepare for their return. Theprojected audience is difficult to estimate due to the dynamic socio-economic and securitysituations; the expectation is from 40 persons/year. - FACULTY in PCs’ HEIs will address their needs in professional recognition and development,
as they will have an opportunity to spend sufficient time for self-reflective and expertlysupported
course design (which process will be relatively free from usual governance
constraints), but also to engage with stakeholders and to participate in international training
events (targeting both their research expertise and teaching skills) and course co-piloting
exercises with EU colleagues. In particular, young academics will receive the needed support.
Faculty will receive the DOMANI competence framework – the guiding document supporting
curriculum development in relevant environmental issues. The experience of challenge-based
modules will provide the faculty with further incentives and capacity for professional growth,
including out-of-box views on taught subjects, both in terms of teaching methodology and the
contents. Estimated 22 faculty members will be directly impacted (i.e. through direct
involvement to DOMANI course development and training events), and over 50 indirectly (i.e.
through the stakeholder engagement amd multiplier events, and consultation sessions by
visiting/presenting online EU faculty) by the end of the project. - HEIs AS AN INSTITUTION AND AN ACADEMIC COMMUNITY will benefit from DOMANI
activities, as they are addressing their needs for developing and maintaining high profile
research and educational facilities, and for the developments towards modernisation, policyrelevance
(including the fit of graduates to the national agenda for green growth) &
employability of graduates expected by MN and UA governments. Another important impact is
structural improvements to the LLL provision, solutions for managing flexible learning paths for
students, as well new revenue opportunities in case of fee-paying students (including from
other HEIs, however is expected to have lesser importance short-term) and LLLearners. HEIs
will further benefit from closer and more structured links with their industrial partners. Most of
such impacts will be only starting during the project life-time. - PROFESSIONAL COMMUNITIES will fulfill their needs in better graduates and for a functional
exchange of knowledge and foresight; specific impacts will also include opportunities to discuss
and receive incentives for engaging with the academia through annual engaging seminars.
Involvement to the mentorship program and challenge-based modules will also provide
opportunities for early identification of the students with high potential value as employees. 6-
10 industrial partners per PC are planned to be engaged with DOMANI during the project
lifetime. - ACADEMIC COMMUNITIES OUTSIDE DOMANI will fulfill their need for an access to
internationally- & policy-relevant curricula & knowledge base, so their educational & research
capacity in relation to DOMANI issues would develop further. This will be achieved through the
open access dissemination of curricula through CLP DO_learn, and open call research training
events & conferences. Estimated 6 external academic partners in UA and 3 in MN will be
closely engaged with DOMANI developments during the project lifetime. - COMPETENT AUTHORITIES concerned with HE In both countries shall appreciate that their
following needs will be addressed: needs in good uptake of graduates by the industry (who are
also ready to manage future challenges of green growth), and creation of new competencybased
contents for LLLearners, especially for internally displaced persons. Two competent
bodies in PCs will be directly engaged in the development of microcredential provision in MN
and UA; their staff will enhance qualification by receiving training and consultations by EU
experts (including peers from EE competent authorities) regarding relevant management and
policies (total 8 individuals trained).
On the MID- and LONG TERM (5 years after the end of the project), the exploitation of the projectresults will achieve its peaks. It is expected that the local niche of innovation created at partners HEIs will grow further, more departments will join the microcredential provision systems, and more disciplinaryareas will become available as competence-based certified courses. In parallel, NAQA and MNCEA (HEcompetent authorities in MN and UA) will follow up with the submitted regulatory proposals for enablingmicrocredential provision in MN and UA. It is expected that by the end of year 1 after the end of theproject, the required amendments will be adopted to relevant parts of the HE regulatory frameworks inMN and UA (delays are possible due to disturbances in the political landscape and other relevantcircumstances), and all the HEIs in partner countries will be encouraged to develop microcredentialprovision. This will increase the relevance of other documents and institutional regulations created underDOMANI, such as the guidelines for MPE management, for the mentorship program, as well as formatsof stakeholder engagement. A broader range of industrial partners will be engaging with the academia,first with partner HEIs extending the scope of the microcredential provision, and then, after amendingnational frameworks, also with other HEIs in MN and UA. The capacity for collaboration between MN and UA partners (both academic and non-academic) is another important impact that will be manifestedmedium-term. Essentially, the impacts on the most target groups will stay similar, although they willgrow in terms of the scope and the scale: - STUDENTS from other fields of studies at partner HEIs will join the scope of DOMANI, as
courses from a broader range of disciplines will become available in the shared course pool.
This will benefit the core DOMANI students as well, as more flexibility options for their career
trajectories will emerge. Depending on the pace of such developments, over 250 students/year
may be positively impacted within 24 months after the end of the project, and thousands by the
end of the mid-term period. With other HEIs joining the system of microcredential provision, this
number would be multiplied. - Likewise, LLLearners will be benefited by the growing body of topics and options to be brought
by the growth of MPEs in PCs. We expect that the numbers of internally displaced persons will
significantly drop within this period in MN and UA (beyond the project scope though). - FACULTY at DOMANI HEIs will benefit similarly as in the short-term period, except that
training opportunities brought by DOMANI won’t be available. It is expected that the larger body
of the faculty will be impacted though, as the scale of MPEs in partner HEIs and beyond (i.e.
ACADEMIC COMMUNITIES OUTSIDE DOMANI) is projected to grow. MN-UA collaboration is
expected to continue and yield more joint activities at all levels, from the individual to the
institutional. - PROFESSIONAL COMMUNITIES will be impacted by the growing thematic scope and scale of
microcredential provision and related activities, such as mentorship programs and stakeholder
engagement arrangements. It will mean the growing number of industrial partners involved,
and hopefully will contribute positively to the culture of academia-industry engagements at the
national level.
COMPETENT AUTHORITIES will be proceeding with the input they will receive from the project, and
will manage the niches of innovation created by it. This will continue to enhance the relevance and the impact of their activities on the economy and social cohesion in PCs. The cooperation between MN and UA counterparts will continue and benefit the educational policy process as well as QA.